Innovation Lab

Mission Zero City

billion new people will live in cities

of global population will live in urban areas

new megacities with over 10 million people


Mission Zero City | Strategic Advisory
We develop new ideas and creative solutions for cities and regions.

Driven by our expertise in megatrends and strategic foresight, we help cities and regions create innovative strategies for achieving both environmental goals and socio-economic prosperity without depleting nature.

Clean Urban Water

83% of urban tap water worldwide is contaminated with harmful microplastic fibers.

Green Urban Space

3% of the total city area, on average, is publicly accessible green space in European cities.

Clean Urban Air

91% of people in cities breathe polluted air, leading to 7 million premature deaths each year.

Shared Urban Mobility

2% of urban passenger kilometers worldwide are comprised by shared mobility.

If you require our advisory services or schedule a meeting for your city, please email us at
The Mission Zero City Challenge
Cities occupy only 3% of the global land surface, but they account for...
of global resource consumption

Cities consume three-quarters of the world's natural resources.

of global waste generation

Cities generate more than half of the total world's waste.

of global emission production

Cities produce four-fifths of the world's GHG emissions.